Trouble makin' woman, Real fine woman, Would you, Highway 59, Doin' all right, The Thrill hunt, It's too late to change, Mistreatin' baby, Sleepless nights, Hawk shuffle, Got my dreams under my pillow, On my way, Why do everything happen to me, Royal Hawk, You had a good man, Where you been, Wine drinkin' woman, You're the sweetest thing, Blues all around me, Mean little girl, You' re a free little girl, Gloom and misery all around, It's hard, Is it too late, If I had listened
Ce disque est son premier album sur le label Motéma. La plupart des artistes n'utilisent pas la musique pour faire bouger les consciences comme Gil et des artistes de son époque le faisaient. "Gil m'a inspirée pour trouver ma prop...